Computing and ICT are the new literacy

Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) are now part of the educational experience of children and teenagers in most parts of the world. Taught as a separate subject, as well as being embedded within the curriculum, Computing and ICT is increasingly regarded as a new literacy, alongside reading, writing and numeracy.

Why Digital Kids/Digital Teens?

Digital Kids and Digital Teens are designed to introduce students to the key ICT applications they need to use in order to acquire that literacy and to help them understand the impact of technology on our daily lives. The curriculum, regularly updated to reflect and include technological advancements, provides a framework in which ICT competence and practical skills can be developed within an environment that is appropriate for the age of the students.

International Standards

The curriculum follows the latest international standards of ICT training and takes ICT competencies which are valued around the world into consideration.

Key Features

Student-centered learning through a fun, hands-on approach

Written and designed
by educators

Modern educational material that meets various learning styles

Fully graded and designed
for schools

Content aligned to student
needs in each age group

Activities based
on school subjects in each grade

Language in English edition is graded to facilitate non-native speakers

Available in several

Coding and Robotics
are included in several grades

The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) completed Seal of Alignment for Readiness reviews of the Digital Kids and Digital Teens curriculum in 2014, 2016, and 2018, and determined that it provides an effective foundation for successfully acquiring the knowledge and applying the skills described by the ISTE Standards for Students. Read here what ISTE is saying about our curriculum.

International ICT exams

Our curriculum is suitable for international exam preparation, for example:

Said about our course books:

"Using Digital Kids has been very rewarding. My students have enjoyed learning what they can do with computers by themselves and in group activities. Based on the advantages listed above, the administration of my school supports continuing and expanding the use of Digital Kids and Teens Digital with additional grade levels for the coming school year. I’m looking forward to this and know my student will be too."
Ms. Karolina Miranda
"Digital Kids is a modern curriculum, with innovative ideas and engages students to acquire the technical knowledge and 21st century skills needed to become global citizens and workers. I truly believe Digital Kids should be used in every school. It is based on recognized Standards and uses a spiraling approach that’s appropriate for each grade. Furthermore, it helps develop college ready students who are comfortable and confident with technology, self-reflective, collaborators, and real problem solvers."
Berquis Torres, Ed.D.
"As principal of an elementary school, my first exposure to Digital Kids and Digital Teen convinced me to upgrade our approach to computer instruction to one based on recognized standards and follow a spiraling development of skills for each grade. My computer teacher was in complete agreement and after our first year, I can say we are pleased with the Digital Kids curriculum. Our students are learning the necessary technical skills and enjoying their time in computer class."
Mr. Harvey Oaxaca
"This ICT curriculum is just what my students and I needed, especially when each grade has computer class and preparing for each class separately was very challenging. Before using Digital Kids, I enjoyed teaching the middle grades more than the 1st grade students who would often become frustrated because I was expecting too much. They would actually scare me when they would experience a frustration outburst—until I realized my expectations were greater than the cognitive levels of their age. Using this curriculum has been of great help for my students, and my ability to teach at the correct pace. The lesson plans are great and my students, even the young ones, have enjoyed the experience."
Mr. Jomar Sanchez